Wednesday, November 12, 2008


8 Things I'm Passionate About:

1. Joseph
2. Boston, Emma, Carston
3. Eating :)
4. Reading
5. Movies like Pride & Prejudice
6. my family (bros & sisters)
7. Being honest & dependable
8. My religion

8 Words/Phrases I Use All the Time:

1. Seriously!
2. Hurry Up!!!
3. Go to bed
4. Love ya!
5. Get your shoes on.
6. I'm Hungry
7. I'm Tired

8. Lets eat 8 Things I Want to do before I die:

1. Run a marathon
2. Go on trips with my family.
3. See my kids get married and have kids.
4. Go to Ireland.
5. Go to another weezer concert
6. Go to Disneyland again!!!
7. Start singing again, and do it well.
8. Win the Lottery

8 Things I Currently Want/Need:

1. Money
2. Banana Split
3. Rocky Mtn Chocolate Factory Caramel Apple!
4. More books to read
5. For Nov. 21st to hurry up already Definitely
6. More movies to go to.
7. clothes that actually fit
8. kids that don't fight

8 Places I Want to Visit:

1. Ireland
2. Hawaii
3. New York
4. Nauvoo & other Church History sites
6. Las Vegas
7. Alaska????
8. England

8 Favorite Restaurants:

1. Texas Roadhouse
2. Cafe Rio
3. Crown Burger
4. PF Changs
5. Rocky Mtn. Choc. Factory
6. Red Robin
7. Subway
8. Does Rocky Mtn Chocolate Factory count? It counts twice on mine:)

8 TV Shows I watch:

1. Greys Anatomy
2. Mentalist
3. Cold Case
4. Lost
5. The unit
6. Curious George
7. Dora the Explorer
8. Jim Schockeys Gun show (because the husband)

8 People I Tag:
1. Noelle
2. Sandii
3. Sabra
5. Cami
6. Jenny
7. ?
8. ?


Sabra said...

That was so fun reading!! I miss you Jessi!

I say those same phrases ALL OF THE TIME TOO!

I was talking to Katie yesterday, we want to try to get a bunch of the roommates together around Christmas time.
Do you ever talk to Rikki?

Brandi said...

Fun Jessi! I'll try to do the Tag. Another friend just tagged me last week and I haven't done that yet. Can't keep up!

Noelle said...

So do I just follow what you did or what? Never been tagged. (or kissed) I'm funny.

Jenilee said...

I am all for you visiting NY. You probably want to go to NYC, but if upstate NY is on the list, we would welcome you anytime.

Unknown said...

I'm so proud!